100% Authentic Korean Flavour!
Full of quality Pork only made for IPSE mandu!
Weight : 800g
***** 생산과정에서 작은상처가 생긴 만두로 품질과 맛은 동일하며, 만두피에 작은 기포구멍이 있는 상품입니다. (반달모양 또는 동그란모양 랜덤발송될 수 있습니다.)
These dumplings have small imperfections that occurred during the production process, but their quality and taste remain the same. The dumpling skin may have small air bubble holes. They will be shipped in either a half-moon or round shape at random.
못난이만두 군만두 - Pan Fried Mandoo
Dumpling wrapper: wheat flour, water, wheat starch, salt
Filling: Kimchi, Korean red pepper flakes, ground pork, sweet potato noodle, cabbage, chives, onion, green onion, soy sauce, sesame oil, black pepper, tumeric, oyster sauce, garlic, sugar.